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Brian Boyd - Director of Sales Headshot

Meet Brian Boyd

Brian Boyd is a Director of Sales at Centroid with over 19 years of business development and sales experience. Renowned for consistently fostering long-term customer relationships, Brian’s professional approach revolves around identifying optimal solutions that not only align with the customer’s needs and budget but also effectively address both technical and business-related challenges.

A firm advocate of working smarter rather than harder, Brian leverages a wide spectrum of technology solutions focused on Enterprise Architecture. From Oracle Cloud, AWS, and Azure to Consulting and Managed Services, Brian’s expertise lies in his ability to tailor solutions for his clients that drive down compute costs and improve performance.

Brian’s educational background includes a Bachelor’s in Business Administration with a concentration in finance from the USC Marshall School of Business.

Exploring the latest trends in EBS and OCI

In a recent interview, Brian Boyd discusses Oracle EBS to OCI migrations: a hot topic during Oracle CloudWorld 2023. He shares how Centroid aims to enhance system agility through EBS migrations and modernizations for companies with small to large EBS footprints. Using our accelerator programs, we can develop agile technologies in automation, allowing for quick migration with minimal disruption, resulting in lower TCO and a more streamlined approach for our customers.

Take the next step

Contact us today for more information about our Oracle Cloud services and solutions.

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